Showing Tag: " gillard" (Show all posts)

The sexist sliming of Kim Sattler over Australia Day race riot

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Saturday, January 28, 2012,
It's truly disturbing to see how the hate media works, fellow travellers. After Tony Abbott brazenly incited the Australia Day race riot that put the Prime Minister's life in peril, they are now desperately trying to sheet home blame to Gillard's own office, as well as the union movement! The gall of these people simply beggars belief.

The accusations were first aimed at Gillard staffer Tony Hodges. That was bad enough. But now they are pointing the finger at union official Kim Sattler.

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Australia now officially moving forward with NBN launch in Armidale

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Wednesday, May 18, 2011,
Fellow travellers, I just heard Julia Gillard on the ABC at the official launch of the National Broadband Network in Armidale, NSW. At the risk of sounding a little patriotic this is clearly a great day for Australia.

Now that the program is well underway, and - as Stephen Conroy said, on time and on budget - all those appalling NBN naysayers will just have to shut up, won't they!

The Government is truly doing it once, doing it right and doing it with fibre! And a year or two down the track, wi...
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Gillard's attack on the Greens leaves us hurt and bewildered in Fremantle

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Friday, April 1, 2011,
Fellow travellers, I'm really starting to wonder what is going on in our PM's mind at the moment. Her behaviour does seem to be very odd. I mean, she's just attacked her official partners in government with some astonishingly extreme and false claims. She's clearly trying to create a real perception of difference between Labor and the Greens in the tiny minds of the great unloofahed.

Here is some of what she said:

The Greens will never embrace Labor's delight at sharing the values of everyday...
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Menzies House and its appalling anti-carbon tax petition

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Sunday, February 27, 2011,
Fellow travellers, as we all know, conservatives want nothing more than to take Australian society back to the fifties. But when we point this out they always deny it. It's very much like their reaction to accusations of racism. You know for sure that someone is guilty of that if they deny they are. Really, it's as clear as black and white (and I don't mean that in a racist way of course).

But sometimes they don't deny it. On the contrary, they occasionally proudly claim allegiance to some opp...
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"Crocodile tears" smear of Julia Gillard speciesist, sexist, and false!

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Thursday, February 10, 2011,
When our nation's sassy, feisty and very real leader Julia Gillard broke down in tears over the human toll of the (human-caused) Brisbane floods, of course those hate-peddlers on the right just couldn't handle it. They had been pushing this line that she was robotic and unemotional for so long, after all. So they had to ask: "Was her crying genuine?"

Well of course it was! I was so deeply moved by her response that even though she was holding an Australian flag, I actually didn't want to burn ...
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Julia, Labor, and the potential nuclear power shift

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Wednesday, December 1, 2010,
Fellow travellers I am sure that you are all as deeply appalled by recent developments regarding Labor's ban on nuclear power as I am. It looks like Julia may actually allow a debate about whether they should allow it. This is horribly, terrifyingly irrational, fellow travellers!

And this argument that if they can debate gay marriage, then they should also be allowed to debate nuclear power is highly specious (as well as speciesist). I mean, gay marriage is an extremely important issue that i...
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Why we should know about Tony Abbott's Linda Lovelace "joke"

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Sunday, July 25, 2010,
Fellow travellers, why am I not surprised that the appalling Andrew Bolt is crying media bias again! This time, he thinks it's unfair that a "joke" told by Tony Abbott (no doubt one he thought was dead, buried and cremated!) has been exhumed and used against him. And why, asks the hateful reactionary, aren't journalists doing the same with aspects of Julia Gillard's earlier life?

Well, it's simply because sassy sister - now PM, and about time - Julia (yougogirl!) has nothing whatsoever to be a...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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