Showing Tag: "women" (Show all posts)

Gail Dines, Leslie Cannold and pornography on the ABC's Q&A

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Wednesday, May 25, 2011,
Both my feminist cat Jocelyn and I were over the moon knowing that two of the world's foremost feminists would be making a TV appearance last Monday night. Yes, the sassy Gail Dines and Australia's own patriarchal-paradigm buster Leslie Cannold were to be panelists on our favourite show, Q and A. We were so excited, we danced a dance of empowerment and joy!

But sadly as the debate wore on it became apparent that there was more than a little enmity between the two notable thinkers. It pains me ...
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Albrechtsen, Carlton on Q&A before International Women's Day

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Tuesday, March 8, 2011,
It is International Women's Day today, fellow travellers, which is obviously cause for great celebration! You'll all be pleased to know that I danced a dance of empowerment and joy to that Helen Reddy classic with my feline, feminist fellow traveller Jocelyn.

But there was sadness too. My cat and I wept about the fact that blonde jokes are still being told in the workplace in this country, sometimes even by women themselves! And our tears flowed over the tragic dearth of the gentler (and also ...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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