Showing Tag: "power" (Show all posts)

North Korea's threat over that Christmas tree is more than justified!

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Wednesday, December 22, 2010,
Fellow travellers, as you well know I abhor violence. But I have to admit that in some cases it is justified. Here is a case in point: That cruel capitalist nation South Korea has decided to provoke atheist, communist North Korea by lighting up a giant Christmas tree near the border.

As one who is regularly driven to nausea by the orgy of greed and consumerism that is Christmas in Australia, I certainly know where my fellow travellers in Pyongyang are coming from.

Not only is this a case of re...
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Julia, Labor, and the potential nuclear power shift

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Wednesday, December 1, 2010,
Fellow travellers I am sure that you are all as deeply appalled by recent developments regarding Labor's ban on nuclear power as I am. It looks like Julia may actually allow a debate about whether they should allow it. This is horribly, terrifyingly irrational, fellow travellers!

And this argument that if they can debate gay marriage, then they should also be allowed to debate nuclear power is highly specious (as well as speciesist). I mean, gay marriage is an extremely important issue that i...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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