Showing Tag: "hoax" (Show all posts)

Alene Composta "suicide" faked by bloggers who killed her

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Thursday, March 24, 2011,
Fellow travellers, I'm sure many of you know of the final post on Alene Composta's blog. It appears not to have been written by Alene herself, but by her two sons. And from their writings we learn that Ms Composta had actually killed herself.

Well, some may say that this completely disproves my theory that she was a real person who was murdered by eeevil right wing bloggers who resurrected her online identity for their own abominable purposes.

I must admit that this latest revelation did flum...
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The Alene Composta story: an alternative narrative

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Saturday, March 19, 2011,
As you all well know, the great unloofahed are quite happy to accept the first plausible, linear narrative offered to them as valid, then discount any other perspectives completely. But we see things more deeply, spiritually and compassionately don't we, fellow travellers? That's why we come to very different and more searingly insightful conclusions on so many issues.

Take the case of global warming. Climate change denialists pointed out that carbon dioxide had been present in much higher co...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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Re Comments: I'm open to reader input - even from right-wingers. But I will not tolerate sexist, racist, or speciesist abuse. (Actually, these are the only things I won't tolerate.) You know the magic words. Don't use them! If you do, comments will be edited or deleted entirely. (Click on post title to see comment box.)

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