Showing Tag: "conspiracies" (Show all posts)

Was foam pie attacker Jonnie Marbles a Rupert Murdoch stooge?

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Thursday, July 21, 2011,
Fellow travellers, I'm sure that many of you share my disappointment over the recent Murdoch hearings. It looked like we might have finally had the Evil Emperor on the ropes! But sadly, it was not to be. There seems to be a widespread feeling that he acquitted himself well. And then there was that foam pie "attack" on him by comedian and activist "Jonnie Marbles". That has resulted in even more sympathy for the old tyrant.

But was the attack genuine, fellow travellers? As we on the left know ...
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Julian Assange's Wikileaks UFO X Files: Is the truth in there?

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Monday, December 6, 2010,
Fellow travellers, I am very excited about what Julian Assange will do next. It seems that he has lots of confidential files relating to UFO reports and sightings and is threatening to release them. I suspect there will be some explosive details about the countless cover-ups and conspiracies to keep the truth about aliens away from the world's population.

And that truth - which so many of the world's governments find so scary, which is actually scary in itself! - is that aliens do come in peac...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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