Showing Tag: "communism" (Show all posts)

North Korea's threat over that Christmas tree is more than justified!

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Wednesday, December 22, 2010,
Fellow travellers, as you well know I abhor violence. But I have to admit that in some cases it is justified. Here is a case in point: That cruel capitalist nation South Korea has decided to provoke atheist, communist North Korea by lighting up a giant Christmas tree near the border.

As one who is regularly driven to nausea by the orgy of greed and consumerism that is Christmas in Australia, I certainly know where my fellow travellers in Pyongyang are coming from.

Not only is this a case of re...
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Gaia's wise warning goes unheeded

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Friday, September 18, 2009,
Fellow travellers, I am still appalled by the dominance of "rational" approaches to thinking that still pervade human "civilization" the world over.

Take this recent event in China: An elderly woman was shocked to find a snake with a claw in her house. She killed it, and the snake is now being examined by scientists.

No doubt they will come up with some "rational" explanation involving genetic mutation, or perhaps interbreeding with lizards. But these will be inadequate, and inaccurate.

The reas...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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